I am an observant person. I’m one of those people who really enjoy watching people. In a totally non-creepy way, of course!
One of my favourite things to do on a sunday afternoon is to pick a random stop from the London Tube map, seat myself at the window of a quirky cafe, sip fresh coffee and just watch people’s lives go by.
If I’ve got a long train journey ahead, I make it go quickly by listening to people’s conversations and making up stories about where they have been and where they are going. I love getting small glimpses into others people’s lives. It doesn’t mean I am placing judgement on their excistence or that I presume to have any idea where they come from or indeed that I can in any way predict what destination they’re headed to.
But in that moment, I have witnessed a life-line freeze-frame - a momentary window into another's unique reaction to a particular situation at a specific time…and I find it fascinating!
...And it is fun to imagine what that person is like, or has been like and what they will become.
Lots of things can draw my eye - a sense of style, mannerisms, a particular comment or a random bit of conversation. The point is, there is something that stands out about that person that I feel worthy of note, and that I find inspirational.
I think there’s a lot to be learnt from simply observing how people are.
My original idea when I started this project was to combine my story-telling passion and my enthusiasm for character design with the intrigue and random bursts of imagination I experience whilst 'people watching'….
...and so People Drawing was born!…hehe
All of the character profiles on this site are entirely fictional, but if you do happen to recognise yourself in any of them I would just like to thank you for providing me with irreplaceable inspiration.
Thank you!
Oda x